Business by nature

A key part in the development towards a bio-economic society is strongly linked to the change from oil to the forest as raw material, and in the hinterland of Scandinavia, there are exceptional opportunities for this. The Bioeconomy Region aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises to speed up the development and commercialization of new products, new technologies and services in the bio-economy.

The Bioeconomy Region is a Sweden-Norway project and is partly funded by the EU. In the project, Paper Province collaborates with the municipal association Region Värmland, who are responsible for the project, and four counties in Norway. Among other things, we want to get startup environments to coopeterate, highlight test beds in the region and act for development of wood mechanical value-chains.

Innovation for change

Through our cooperation with Norway, we believe that the mix of experiences and knowledge will arouse new ideas. Ultimately, The bioeconomy Region is about facilitating the shift to a fossil-free society by stimulating the establishment of completely new types of products, services and businesses.


Project name

The Bioeconomy Region

Project coordinator

Region Värmland


Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden, Region Värmland, Region Dalarna, Säffle kommun, Paper Province samt ett tiotal företag från träteknisk industri.

End date
