
Increased resource efficiency through innovative new raw material handling in the production of fuel pellets.

The overall goal of the project InnoPels is to generate new knowledge and support for:

  • Separation of sawdust from small timber and coarse timber. Small timber sawdust contain a high proportion of sapwood and coarse timber sawdust contain a high proportion of heartwood, which have different properties for pellet production.
  • Evaluate drying techniques in combination with the impact of the different sawdust fractions on pellet quality and storage properties.
  • Develop rapid spectroscopic methods to assess the quality of the raw material for pelleting and for process control.


Project timetable: 2021-11-01 – 2023-12-31

Funders: VINNOVA, Solör Bioenergi Pellets AB, Härjeåns Energi AB, Bergkvist Siljan Skog AB

Project partners: SLU, Karlstads Universitet, The Paper Province, Solör Bioenergi Pellets AB, Härjeåns Energi AB, Bergkvist Siljan Skog AB

Project budget: 7 300 000 kr


Magnus Persson

Project Manager

+46 (0) 703-42 79 41