Personal guide to the market and industry

Industry Entrance support is a unique offering with great opportunities that quickly get things moving. With the right contacts who provide you with the right resources, it will be both easier and faster to get your business idea from one step to another.

We provide access to knowledge and contacts that open doors for your startup company or your innovation. Through several established contact networks we can help your innovation and business forward. As a part of the offering you get a personal guide that connects you with the right industry.

Paper Province’s contact network consists of large and global companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. For example, machine suppliers, paper and pulp mills, transport companies, chemical companies, energy companies, engineering companies, sawmills, forest owners, bioplastics manufacturers and consultants with cutting-edge expertise in various areas.

We can help you get in touch with more than 30 different test beds to develop biobased products. We collaborate with several educational institutions with research in the bioeconomic field, for example Karlstad University and Brobygrafiska. We also provide contacts with financiers and experts who can help you write an application.

Get in touch with us and we will tell you more about what we can do for you.
