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Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s sustainability work has been awarded Platinum level rating by EcoVadis

2 September, 2022

Ahlstrom-Munksjö has been awarded EcoVadis’ highest recognition level, Platinum, for the company’s sustainability performance.  The company’s continuous efforts have now been rewarded, placing them among the top one percent of companies assessed by Eco Vadis. The rating is an improvement from Gold level rating, which they were previously rated since 2019. Theire score increased especially…

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Biohydrogen created from purification water at the mills

2 December, 2020

Exciting experiments in progress! Organic pollutants in the wastewater of a pulp and paper mill can be converted into climate-friendly hydrogen gas. “This is a real win-win situation for the mills and the environment. I am proud that we have taken this from lab to pilot scale,” says Sudhanshu Pawar. Sudhanshu Pawar is a researcher…

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Philipp wants to contribute to a better world

10 June, 2020

Of the fifty entries in the Paper Province innovation competition What wood you do, fourteen came from countries other than Sweden. One of them is “Get the most out of a tree”, submitted by Philipp Schlee from Germany. The innovation competition What wood you do created interest across Europe. Several of the submissions came from…

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Chairman Ola Brundin is proud of the region

Chariman Ola Brundin is proud of his habitant area, the region of Värmland in centre Sweden. He have had the assignment as chairman of Paper Province since May 2019, and has a clear picture of what´s important for the cluster in the future. “Employees at our member companies should feel that they are investing in,…

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Participate in our innovation competition

1 April, 2020

Paper Province ongoing innovation competition What wood you do creates interest in Europe and North America. Now we invite more entrepreneurs from all over the world to participate in our call for sustainable innovations! The global innovation competition What Wood You Do has been running for two weeks and continues until April 27. The competition…

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Share your idea and win €25,000

2 March, 2020

The forest bioeconomy plays a major role in mitigating climate change, and there is still a huge potential to do more. To accelerate this development and find the next big impact ideas, Paper Province are launching an international innovation competition, called “What Wood You Do”. Five finalists will have the opportunity to compete for €35,000…

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Maria Hollander ends as CEO of Paper Province

17 February, 2020

Maria Hollander leaves her position as CEO of the Swedish bioeconomy cluster Paper Province to seek new challenges. During her more than eight years as CEO, sustainability issues and innovation have been given greater focus. “It’s been a fantastic journey”, she says. One important milestone was when Paper Province in 2013 received a ten-year funding…

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The basic industry is building Swedish welfare

24 January, 2020

Every year, Sweden’s basic industry generates billions to society. A new report shows exactly how important it is to the Swedish welfare. ”We know that industrial companies and their subcontractors are important, but we haven`t known exactly how important they are to society”, says Mattias Säfström, CEO of IUC Steel & Manufacturing. The report, called…

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Millions to manure for fast-growing forests

23 December, 2019

Recent research made at the University of Karlstad shows that pine planted in soil with enriched biocarbon grows better. The result is a potential fertilizer for the forest. – Our landowners are interested in a really strong plant. We want a fertilizer that is both economical and good for the environment, says Emil Mattsson at Swedish forest owner…

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Paper Province attends the Madrid climate summit

Paper Province recently participated in the climate summit COP25 in Madrid. The meeting was recognized worldwide and became a perfect opportunity to put the spotlight on our innovative region. – It is important to point out our region’s leading position in sustainability and bioeconomy, says Gunnar Hellerström, project manager at Paper Province. The UN’s recent…

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