Användning av träråvara i bränslen
Datum: 24/2

Användning av träråvara i bränslen

Välkommen till ett webbinarium med fokus på bränslen, i detta fall innehållande lignin. Med finns Erik Furusjö och Linda Sandström from RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden, som kommer att ge en inblick i deras arbete kopplat till just detta ämne.

Biorefinery and renewable transportation fuels

Erik Furusjö leads the focus area Biorefinery and renewable transportation fuels at RISE and does research in techno-economics and sustainability of renewable fuels and chemical production. Erik is also adjunct professor of Energy technology at Luleå University of technology. Recent research activities include, for example bio jet fuel production, CO2-negative biofuels and bio-based gasoline.

Conversion of lignin to transportation fuels – activities performed at RISE

Linda Sandström is currently the director of Sustainable Energy Conversion at RISE. She has also worked as a researcher at RISE, mainly within pyrolysis (liquefaction) and bio-oil upgrading research. She will give us an insight to world of conversion of lignin to transportation fuels.

Webbinariet hålls på engelska, det är kostnadsfritt men du behöver registrera dig för att delta.

When: February 24, 2 – 3 p.m.

Where: Digitally by Zoom

Registrer to webinar.

Start: 24/2 , kl. 14:00