Vestas strengthens collaboration with wood technology company Modvion

Vestas, the global leader in sustainable energy solutions, is strengthening its collaboration with Swedish wood technology company Modvion through a recent directed share issue.

“Our collaboration with Modvion holds significant potential to help accelerate the energy transition and further increase sustainability within the wind energy industry. Modvion’s towers are lighter than traditional ones and have a modular product architecture which aligns well with Vestas’ strong focus on modularization. The construction facilitates transportation to logistically challenged places and allows for increased turbine hub heights, potentially contributing to a reduction in cost of energy,” says Bo Svoldgaard, Senior Vice President and Head of Innovation and Concepts at Vestas in a pressrelease.

The corporate venture capital arm of Vestas, Vestas Ventures, have made a new investment in Modvion through a recent directed share issue to strengthen its engagement and support to Modvion.

Vestas Ventures made its first investment in Modvion in February 2021. Vestas Ventures invests in startup companies with the aim to challenge industry standards and accelerate Vestas’ journey towards becoming the global leader in sustainable energy solutions.

Modvion is a member of Paper Province. Modvion’s wooden towers radically reduce emissions from wind turbine tower manufacturing operations. The modular design also enables higher towers to be built at a lower cost. The carbon dioxide absorbed by the trees during their growth period remains stored in the wooden tower, enabling climate neutral wind energy.

”We are excited for the opportunity to support the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer in reaching its ambitious sustainability targets and offering their customers even more climate-smart wind energy. To tackle the climate crisis, we need more renewable energy and increased use of sustainable, wooden constructions, and Modvion’s technology enables both,“ said Otto Lundman, CEO of Modvion AB.

Vestas has expressed interest in exploring the use of Modvion’s technology in its product line as part of its efforts to support customers in delivering more sustainable energy solutions. Vestas’ new investment will support Modvion’s rapid production scale-up, with a long-term goal of integrating wooden towers in Vestas’ offerings to accelerate market adoption.

Modvion has an ongoing collaboration with global energy company Enel Green Power and has signed letters of intent for wind turbine towers with international power company Vattenfall, as well as with Rabbalshede Kraft and Varberg Energi.

In April 2020, Modvion’s first wooden tower was erected outside Gothenburg, together with Chalmers University of Technology and the Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre, a 30-meter-tall research tower.

Facts on wooden wind turbine towers:

  • Wooden towers are built in modules and assembled on site.
  • The modular concept enables higher towers to be built while still using normal roads for transportation.
  • By weight, the wooden construction is stronger than steel.
  • The carbon dioxide absorbed by the trees during their growth period remains stored in the wooden tower making it a carbon dioxide sink.