Special edition of magazine about the project Baltic Industrial Symbiosis

Paper Province is one of many partners in the project Baltic Industrial Symbiosis – BIS – that promotes industrial symbiosis in the Baltic Sea region. This summer the project was featured in a special edition of the magazine ‘Environment in St. Petersburg’, addressing the topic industrial symbiosis with various articles about its potential to create lasting improvements.

“I hope that you will enjoy the stories from different parts of the Baltic Sea Region and find inspiration in the examples of what Industrial Symbiosis can look like”, writes Susanne Boesen, Project Manager of BIS, in her article featured in the magazine.

Industrial symbiosis involves linking companies and other actors from different industries with the aim to turn residual flows in to resources.

“In order to succeed in spreading the ‘symbiotic mind set’ to many more large and small companies, it is imperative that we collaborate and exchange experiences across regions. Every part of society can contribute, be it private companies, public authorities, knowledge institutions, universities or industry organizations, each with their knowledge, network and experiences”, writes Susanne Boesen.

Learn from experiences and see the opportunities that lie ahead by reading the stories in the magazine here: Online version of Environment in St. Petersburg

Paper Province case

On page 43 in the magazine you can read about a Paper Province symbiosis case for producing forest fertilizers, based on research at the University of Karlstad and collaboration between local industries. The case shows that pine planted in soil enriched with bio-carbon grows better and faster. The bio-carbon comes from a side-stream sprung from pulp and paper mills’ water purification. When mixed with ash from bio-fuel boilers and nitrogen from a municipal treatment plant, the bio-carbon becomes a fertilizer.

Pine planted in soil with enriched bio-carbon grows better.

Want to learn more about the project BIS? Read more at Paper Province project site or at Symbiosis Center Denmark